You can enter all your hunting, mining and crafting HOFs in this chart. When you enter your exact avatar name as listed on EntropiaWiki in the "Team members" column, the HOF will show up on your avatar info page. Showing 556 of 56 items.
Avatar Name/Team MembersAvatar Name/Team MembersDateTypeSourceNotesValue
 pierre paul jacquespierre paul jacques01-09-2011BlueprintSimple III Plastic Ruds Blueprint 102148
 Osmotious Oz MaximiousOsmotious Oz Maximious09-05-2010CreatureLeviathan#5 ATH at the time98581
 mistress delcour libertinemistress delcour libertine18-05-2010MaterialBlausariam StoneATH 24 Ziplex 120 no amp CND69308
 Hohenheim le lumineux DurandirHohenheim le lumineux Durandir21-11-2010MaterialQuantium stone 52635
 Hijacker Inferno Hijacker27Hijacker Inferno Hijacker2706-09-2011CreatureExarosaurOld Alpha Elite47236
 Dasouth Genious DasouthDasouth Genious Dasouth04-04-2009CreatureChomperMature (UL HL15 & UL R15037707
 Vintage Yquem PortVintage Yquem Port14-03-2009MaterialBinary Fluid 26747
   21-01-2009MaterialFrigulite stoneTower 1 LA north of segna tp pre V10 - 105 + 102 amp26112
 Eufrat Frat-boy TigrisEufrat Frat-boy Tigris06-04-2010CreatureFrescoqudaloads of oil25986
 Eufrat Frat-boy TigrisEufrat Frat-boy Tigris06-04-2010CreatureFrescoqudaBest loot so far
 Keira Gypsy CroftKeira Gypsy Croft08-04-2009CreatureAtroxProvider23793
 Frederichio Fredda LucernoFrederichio Fredda Lucerno20-02-2013CreatureFrescoqudaOld23742
 Migozzi Migoz ChavezMigozzi Migoz Chavez04-04-2008CreatureEstophylUL Riker UL323436
 Eleana Eleana MirhanaEleana Eleana Mirhana24-07-2011CreatureAtroxOld22780
<< < > >> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... (All)Items per page:
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