Mission: Archaelogical Society Missing Personel
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Planet:Planet Arkadia
Objective:Locate Archaelogical Interns
Mission Broker
Mission Broker:Sundari Zhen
Nearest City:Celeste Harbour


Archaelogical Society Missing Personel

The Achaelogical Society has lost contact with several personel who are working in the wilderness away from the established dig sites.


  • Locate Archaelogical Intern 1 (27324, 27838)
  • Locate Archaelogical Intern 2 (25141, 27169)
  • Locate Archaelogical Intern 3 (11403, 13407)
  • Locate Archaelogical Intern 4 (23983, 14682)
  • Locate Archaelogical Intern 5 (13015, 30068)



Sundari Zhen:'

Greetings, the Arch Soc is missing a few people...

Several trainee's were sent out to search for sites of archaelogical interest around Sentosa and they haven't reported back in for a while.

We don't know why, however we reguarly lose contact with them so we suspect it's nothing serious.

We would like you to locate them, encourage them to maintain contact, and bring back any messages they may have for us.


  • Where were they last seen?
  • Not Interested

If you choose "Where were they last seen?"

They are scattered all over Sentosa and have probably set themselves up in a secluded location to avoid roaming Oratan and native creatures.

There are 5 in total we'd like you to find.

We've sent people out previously to locate them so we know approximately where they are. I'll mark those locations on your map.

It is likely that they have moved a little so remember to look around - they should be somewhere nearby.


  • Interesting, I'll help locate them.
  • On second thoughts... no.

If you choose "Interesting, I'll help locate them."

Go to The Missing ArchSoc Intern:

So you think I'm lost?
Nah I'm just working on some very interesting finds and haven't had time to check in recently.

I'll get in touch shortly to let them know I'm ok, thanks for checking on me and well done finding me!
  • Good to see you are ok, bye.

After finding the last missing ArchSoc Intern:

After a rather exhausing search you have located all of the missing trainees.

It is time to return to the Archaelogical Society HQ and report the Trainees current positions.
  • Off I go!

On returning to Sundari Zhen:

Welcome back,

Thank you for finding our missing trainees.

They have all contacted us and been encouraged to stay in contact more regularly in the future.

We wish you all the best in your travels.
  • No problem mate

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